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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nokia N82 v Sony Ericsson K850i

Below are a few sample pics, taken on the Nokia N82 and the Sony Ericsson K850i. Both phones have a 5.0 megapixel camera, with auto focus, and a Xenon flash. The Nokia Also has a Carl Zeiss Lens. Click on the images to see them in full size. Which do you prefer?

This picture was taken on macro mode:
Nokia N82

SE K850i

The next two pictures are taken on standard setting:

Nokia N82

SE K850i

Nokia N82

SE K850i

I think the results are clear enough. Chalk another one up for the Nokia N82.

Edit: After reading through the comments it seems the EXIF data isn't showing for these pictures, and also the picture size isn't what would be expected from a 5.0 megapixel camera. So, I've uploaded the images to Flickr, where all EXIF data is available and image properties show properly.

1 comment:

james said...

you are 100% true man..I did buy this Sony phone and i am really disappointed with its performance.Next time i will be more conscious.Thanks 4 Ur tips man